The Breakfast Club Revisited
The topics discussed in the movie were illuminating and are still pertinent today.
The Ever Expanding World
the ever-expanding world
The Country Love Affair
With the recent release of a country music album by a popular Black performer, there are people listening to that genre of music for the first time, as well as […]
Under There
I’m referring to my love affair with… underwear.
The Spaceship
The commander only wants acknowledgement in all things. As always, all praises to God.
The Necessity of Failure
In the fairytales, the heroes and heroines overcome one or two major problems, and then they live “happily ever after.” It sounds idyllic and wonderful, but… I imagine it might […]
The Effect of Other Writers
‘Animal Sacrifice’ by Gilbert Miller,
Well, I guess I have a secret to share. Sometimes, my mind wanders off the beaten path, into places where blood drips from the overhead vines, and the darkness envelopes […]
Podcasts—The Next Thing
So when it comes to podcasts, I’m way behind the crowd.
Breaking Boxes
Step outside of the box you’ve convinced yourself to inhabit.